In the field of Civil Law Law Office "Marev" offers the following legal services:
Legal advice on civil matters;
Preparation of notarial invitations and acts, powers of attorney, contracts, declarations and assistance to a notary;
Consultations on concluding various types of transactions and preparation of contracts;
Registration, transformation and termination of commercial companies, sole traders, cooperatives, civil companies and non-profit legal entities - foundations, associations, parties;
Subscription legal services for legal entities and individuals;
Security proceedings;
Consultations in connection with the enforcement proceedings on the issuance of an enforcement order, writ of execution and appeals;
Procedural representation, protection and assistance in enforcement proceedings before DUI and PEA;
Legal assistance and mediation in concluding out-of-court agreements for voluntary collection of receivables;
Procedural representation and legal protection before all court instances, special jurisdictions and arbitral tribunal in civil cases - in the field of commercial, contract, banking, insurance, labor, property, family and inheritance law.
The procedural experience of Law Firm "Marev"is an advantage of alternative dispute resolutions, which are faster, significantly cheaper and the most effective way to resolve disputes between parties.



Procedural representation in court proceedings regarding real estate - disputes over ownership, division, existence of limited property rights, etc.
Consultations and legal advice on transactions concerning the acquisition and disposal of real estate and movables;
Check performance on the legal status of real estate;
Preparation of a detailed legal opinion and analysis of property rights;
Preparation of preliminary contracts and notarial deeds for real estate transactions;
Preparation and completion of all documents necessary for the conclusion of the transaction before a Notary, assistance in conducting negotiations;
Establishment of limited real rights over real estate - right of use, upgrade, extension, right of passage and other limited real rights;
Consultations on the legal regime of the acquisition and disposal of state and municipal property;
Consultancy and preparation of contracts for renting real estate and property;
Preparation of preliminary contracts for sale and construction of real estate;
Construction contracts; Legal assistance and assistance in obtaining permits and other construction documents, design visas, approval of investment projects, building permits, use permits;
Assistance and procedural representation in proceedings for amendment of development and cadastral plans;
Rendering assistance for the realization of transactions before a notary, before the state bodies and before the bodies of the local administration;



Consultations in concluding contracts in the field of contract and commercial law;
Preparation and assistance in concluding all types of contracts - for sale, for rent, for loan, for pledge, for order, for production, etc.
Cancelation and termination of contracts - out of court and in court;
Establishment and registration of collateral and guarantees under contracts - mortgages, pledges, etc .; Assistance in out-of-court settlement of disputes under concluded contracts;
Consultations in choosing the appropriate legal and organizational form for the respective business;
Establishment and registration of companies and sole traders;
Registration of changes in commercial companies and sole traders;
Transactions with commercial enterprises and parts thereof - acquisition, transformation, rental and sale of enterprises;
Transfer of shares, stakes and commercial enterprises; Changes in capital and structure, redesignation of shares; in-kind contributions;
Consultation and assistance in connection with licensing and permitting regimes; Preparation of management contracts and contracts with commercial representatives (procurators, ordinary proxies and commercial intermediaries);
Providing legal advice on commercial transactions;
Elaboration of standard contracts for the commercial activity of companies, in all sectors of the economy; Consultancy, Preparation and assistance in concluding commercial transactions and contracts - for real estate, for leasing, for transportation, for construction, for sale, for delivery, for mediation, for franchising; for credit, etc.
Legal support in termination, liquidation and bankruptcy of companies;
Consultations in banking transactions;
Preparation of tender documentation for participation in public procurement;
Preparation and assistance in concluding all types of contracts - for sale, for rent, for loan, for pledge, for order, for production, etc.
Establishment and registration of collateral and guarantees under contracts - mortgages, pledges, etc .;
Assistance in out-of-court settlement of disputes under concluded contracts;
Representation of individuals and legal entities before state institutions - Commission for Protection of Competition, Customs Administration, Commission for Consumer Protection;
Procedural representation and legal protection in commercial disputes, in disputes related to the performance of concluded contracts, in claims for tort, before all courts, special jurisdictions and arbitration courts.



Consultations and legal representation before court for cases in the field of family and inheritance law;
Divorce claims by mutual consent and by the general claim procedure;
Real property claims after divorce;
Claims for a larger share of the property acquired during the marriage;
Initial determination of maintenance, as well as its compulsory collection;
Increase in initially awarded alimony;
Disputes over the assignment of parental rights;
Determining the regime of personal relations between parents and children;
Replacement of the consent of the parent with a court decision - when taking a child out of the borders of the Republic of Bulgaria;
Restriction and deprivation of parental rights in the cases provided by law;
Establishing or disputing the origin of a child - disputing paternity, recognition;
Filing actions to establish or challenge the origin of the father;
Preparation of marriage contracts, notarization and registration;                                  Assistance and consultations for determining the inheritance share, depending on the way of acquisition of the property by the testator;
Acceptance and refusal of inheritance;
Preparation, announcement, opening and contestation of wills;
Division of hereditary property - judicial and extrajudicial.
Procedural representation in cases for reduction of testamentary dispositions and contracts for donation in the cases provided by law, in which the preserved part of the inheritance has been violated;



Comprehensive administrative and legal services for legal entities and individuals;
Consultations and assistance in proceedings of issuance and appeal of individual administrative acts;
Research, consulting and assistance before the administrative bodies, in connection with licensing and permitting regimes on the territory of Smolyan District;
Appeal against administrative acts of central and local government bodies.
Appeal against penal decrees issued by various bodies;
Assistance and procedural representation in administrative procedures related to the approval and amendment of development plans and the approval of construction documents and issuance of construction permits;
Consultations and assistance with preparation and gathering of documentation for participation in public procurements, tenders and competitions;
Procedural representation and legal protection in administrative cases before all courts and special jurisdictions.



Legal advice and legal representation for criminal matters;
Assistance and legal protection of victims of crime - preparation of complaints to the competent authorities, filing civil claims for compensation for property and non-property damages from the crime;
Assistance and legal protection in case of detention by the pre-trial authorities;
Providing legal assistance and protection in case of a criminal charge;
Procedural representation and protection in case of imposed measure of restraint, provision of an interpreter and protection during investigative actions;
Legal aid and procedural representation in criminal cases;
Appeal of penal decrees by administrative and judicial order;
Procedural representation and protection in appealing against penal decrees in court.